6.2. New or Modified Target Diagnostics or Components

Before a new or modified piece of equipment can be deployed at NIF, it must undergo a formal process, including one or more reviews. The review scope is adjusted according to the complexity and risk associated with the product. Reviews may include NIF representatives from the steering committee, operations, Target and Laser Interaction Sphere (TaLIS), Shot Setup Tool (SST), diagnostics, mechanical engineering, assembly, cleanliness, snouts, instrument mounting, and others, depending on the instrument’s complexity and intended use.

A member of the NIF Target Diagnostic (TD) Engineering team will be assigned to assist each researcher in the design of hardware and integration so that it can be readily fielded on NIF. This interface partner will help determine the appropriate review scope and deliverables using a risk-based graded approach.

The process flow for designing, building, and installing a new diagnostic at NIF.
Figure 6-1. The process flow for designing, building, and installing a new diagnostic at NIF. CCB is change control board, TD is target diagnostics, and SST is shot setup tools.