5.4.3. Target and Diagnostic Manipulators

Two Target and Diagnostic Manipulators (or TANDMs) are installed at positions 90-348 and 90-124. These positioners were designed to provide improved access, maintainability, and flexibility compared to the DIMs, including improved reconfiguration times. Both are equipped and capable of fielding a suite of insertable diagnostics similar to the DIMs.

The design of the TANDMs allows for easier reconfiguration and direct access to mount special equipment to the boom, and to provide some capability to upgrade cable plants.

In addition, TANDM 90-348 can be configured as a target positioner by the installation of a target manipulator (see Figure 5-4b). The target manipulator, in conjunction with the vessel bipods, provides target positioning comparable to the TARPOS. TANDM is not equipped with a cryogenic system, and therefore is capable of fielding only room-temperature targets. Target interfaces are identical to the TARPOS from a practical standpoint. TANDM 90-348 can also be configured with a pulser to provide an imposed B field on certain targets (See section 5.4.6).